The AirVisual Pro Monitor reports air quality inside your home, school, or business. Measures air pollution from cooking, cleaning, wood burning, interior decoration, smoking, and wildfire smoke and traffic pollution entering the building. View real-time and historic air quality via the free mobile IQAir AirVisual app.
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The ultimate outdoor air quality monitor. Provides you with hyper-local, real-time air quality surrounding your home, school, or business. Great for measuring air pollution exposure from traffic, industry, agricultural burning or wildfires. View real-time and historic air quality via the free mobile app. Share your sensor data with millions of users with the IQAir AirVisual app.
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The perfect combination to measure and compare your indoor and outdoor air quality. Both sensors report simultaneously to the IQAir AirVisual app for easy indoor and outdoor comparison. See how well your building protects you from outdoor air pollution and when to take action to improve indoor air quality. Great for homeowners, businesses, schools, hotels, retirement homes and others.
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Air facility registration.